When the Grand Coulee Dam and later the Chief Joseph Dam were built on the Columbia River, they blocked salmon from thousands of miles of Upper Columbia Basin habitat. This action decimated salmon populations for several generations.
In October 2014, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council amended its Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program to investigate reintroducing anadromous fish back into the main stem Columbia River reaches and tributaries in the U.S. The UCUT have developed a revised draft work and coordination plan (download here) to initiate these investigations.
UCUT’s phase 1 work plan proposes 11 objectives and 36 tasks to gather sufficient background information on scientific feasibility, possible cost, and habitat potential. UCUT would appreciate your review and comment on this draft project work and coordination plan. Email John Sirois, [email protected].
To view the comments UCUT received on its draft work and coordination plan, please click here.