
To ensure a healthy future for the traditional territorial lands of our ancestors through a proactive and science-based approach to promoting Indian culture, fish, wildlife, and habitat, the UCUT provide one voice for our region. Together, the UCUT have worked hard to create a better environment for future generations.

In order to continue, we need the support of regional lawmakers and those who live, work, and recreate on the water and habitat of the Upper Columbia. Our passion for protecting, preserving and enhancing these territories drives the programs and services we support.

As part of our commitment to productive collaborations and communications, the UCUT are pleased to share our booklet United for the Benefit of All that provides the public and our project partners with detailed information about our efforts. This booklet provides the initial strategic blueprint for what our tribal organization intends to deliver to the greater Upper Columbia River eco-region.


For the Benefit of All

The UCUT provide one voice for our region to ensure a healthy future for the traditional territorial lands of our ancestors through a proactive and science-based approach to promoting Indian culture, fish, wildlife, and habitat. Together, the UCUT have worked hard to create a better environment for future generations.


Columbia River Treaty

Kalispel Tribe of Indians – Northern Pike Suppression

United by Water

The Value of Natural Capital in the Columbia River Basin

Answering the Call: UCUT Canoes Arrive at Standing Rock

Climate Change Workshop

Protecting Lake Coeur d’Alene

Coeur d’Alene Tribe Forest Carnivore Survey

UCUT Video Gallery

Canoe Journey and Gathering at Kettle Falls

Fish Reintroduction into the U.S. And Canadian Upper Columbia River

Upper Columbia River Basin Fish Passage and Reintroduction Project – Phase 1

Treaty Talks: A Journey up the Columbia River for People and Salmon

Columbia River Listed among Most Endangered Rivers of 2015

20 Year Report

United for the Benefit of All

Grand Coulee and the Forgotten Tribe

UCUT and Bonneville Power Administration Partnership

Tribal Salmon Management, Harvesting and Sharing

Forests and Fish Report

Drumheller Springs Natural Park

Pow Wow and Community Outreach